Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Am I Crazy ...

I've been debating for months whether or not to post something. I've thought of it many times, composed many a post in my head while gaming, and yet I don't write. The most prominent reason to not post is - why do it, when I hardly ever post anyway?

I'm doing it.

 This post started out to be about how I am now using the 4 Recruit A Friend accounts I bought in December 2015 so that I could receive the 4 battle pet rewards. I've leveled 3 characters to 90, and am just finishing leveling another 3 characters to 90. That will be finished later this afternoon. I've got a third group to level from 50 to 90. All of these characters are Horde. I hope to level another group of 3 characters on Alliance before my 90 days are up. Am I crazy? Of course. Now for the best part of my WoW experience today, and the game is not even back up yet.

Recently I've wondering why I'm still playing, since all the people I used to play with are no longer playing, and if they are, I've lost touch with them. Is gaming still in line with who I am? On the Real Life server, I am a person who believes that there is a sacredness to life, to all aspects of life. I've often wondered if there are others like me who play games. I'm currently playing World of Warcraft, and have been again for the past 2 years.

WoW shut down for maintenance earlier today, and was supposed to be up by now. As in days of yore, restart has been delayed, so I decided to read some WoW blogs that I've enjoyed in the past. I am happy that I did, because I found out that there are other people who play WoW who think similarly to me.

I was touched and inspired by a post by Zwingli on his blog Zwingli's Weblog O' WoW: When Life Intrudes, about the death of someone that he knew, honouring that person's life. I was quite touched and inspired. Thank you, Zwingli, and blessings to the family of Jeremy in their time of loss. Blessings to the spirit of Jeremy, whose life touched, brightened and inspired those others around him.

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